Glyph view events

All interactive tools support the following mouse events:

event description
space + click + drag Move the Glyph View inside the scroll window.
⌘ + space + click Zoom in.
⌘ + space + drag Zoom to marque rectangle.
⌥ + ⌘ + space + click Zoom out.
⌥ + mouse scroll Zoom in or out.
drag an image into the Glyph View Create an Image object in the current glyph. Only one image per layer is allowed. Image formats .png, .jpeg and .tiff are supported.

More interactive tools

Many other interactive tools are available as extensions:

Pixel Tool
Draw with ‘pixels’ using rectangles, ovals or components.
Shape Tool
Draw primitive geometric shapes: rectangles and ovals.
Scaling Edit Tool
Editing Tool which scales off-curve points while moving on-curve points.
Blue Zone Editor
Edit blue zones visually inside the Glyph Editor.
Bounding Tool
Editing Tool which displays the bounding box and divisions.
Check Parallel Tool
Check if lines connecting on-curve & off-curve points are parallel.
Corner Tool
Round or cut contour corners by dragging to define the radius.
Last edited on 01/09/2021