from vanilla import FloatingWindow, List from mojo.glyphPreview import GlyphPreview from mojo.roboFont import OpenWindow class GlyphPreviewExample: def __init__(self): # create a window self.w = FloatingWindow((400, 300), "Preview", minSize=(100, 100)) # add a list for all glyphs in font self.w.glyphs = List((10, 10, 100, -10), [], allowsMultipleSelection=False, selectionCallback=self.showPreviewCallback) # add a GlyphPreview to the window self.w.preview = GlyphPreview((100, 0, -0, -0)) # load glyphs from current font to list self.loadGlyphs(CurrentFont()) # open the window def loadGlyphs(self, font): if not font: print('to use this tool, please open a font first') return # load list of glyphs self.w.glyphs.set(font.glyphOrder) def setGlyph(self, glyph): # set the glyph in the GlyphPreview self.w.preview.setGlyph(glyph) def showPreviewCallback(self, sender): # get selected glyph selection = self.w.glyphs.getSelection() if not selection: return selectedGlyph = self.w.glyphs.get()[selection[0]] # set preview in preview f = CurrentFont() if f is not None: self.w.preview.setGlyph(f[selectedGlyph]) # open the window with OpenWindow, so it cannot be opened twice OpenWindow(GlyphPreviewExample)